![]() Do you ever get lumpy, tender, heavy breasts? Usually in the second half of your cycle in the run to up your period? I do. To the extent that if I'm hugging one of my children, I have to be a bit cautious. I then heard about a lady called Janine de Wolf (what a fab name!) who does Breast Tissue Treatment. She got in touch with me and I’m now thrilled to announce that we will be hosting a pop-up Breast Tissue Treatment clinic at Central Studio in Edinburgh on 12 & 13 April. The talented Janine is coming all the way from The Netherlands to introduce this wonderful treatment. I must admit, I didn’t know much about this therapy, but as we love anything which can enhance women’s health, I wanted to know more. So I had lots of questions for Janine. Read on to find out what it’s all about. Q: So Janine, how long have you been a massage therapist and what did you do before that? A: I've been a Massage Therapist since 2008, and started my practice in 2009. Originally, I started working as a nurse, then went into the business world as an Office Manager and Area Manager for different companies. I always felt like massage was something I needed to do, my calling if you like. I started my training and massage courses after my own burn out in 2003, which was due to busy and stressful jobs and me not recognising the physical signs my body was giving, telling me I needed to slow down. Q: Why did you get into Breast Tissue Therapy? A: I was curious because I didn't feel like my breasts were mine after my breast reduction operation in 1992. As a Womb & Fertility Massage Therapist I knew about the Heart/Breast/Womb connection, which intrigued me. So I knew Breast Tissue Therapy would also be a benefit for women who are TTC or having fertility issues. Q: What happens during the treatment? A: I’m stimulating blood and lymphatic flow to boost the immune system by manual movements of the upper and deeper breast tissue. The movements are slow and I pay a lot of attention of what happens within the tissue - trying to loosen it up, and releasing the tension that the body has been holding on to. Many women also store a lot of emotions in the breast area. Time to let them go. Q: What are the benefits of Breast Tissue Therapy and how long do they last? A: There are lots of great benefits - better blood and lymph circulation, detox of the breast tissue, improving the immune system (so it should be able to clean the area of anything that doesn't belong there), tension release, better supply of all nutrients to the cells to keep them healthy. It also helps with reduction of pain and promotes healthy breast tissue and prevention of breast issues. Women feel a big difference in their breasts even after one treatment. Q: How many treatments are recommended? A: It depends on the quality of the tissue and the issues we start with, but usually 2 or 3 treatments are needed. After that, as I like prevention, I recommend once every 6 months. Q: What type of clients come for this therapy? A: Basically all women, because we all want our breasts to stay healthy! But if you already have breast issues like painful breasts (especially at certain times in your menstrual cycle), lumps (harmless ones of course), cysts up to 2cm, mastopathy, or adenoma, you would really benefit of the treatment. But also if you are trying to conceive you could benefit from the treatment. There is a connection between the breast and the womb and there a lot of energy channels (meridians) that cross the breast and the womb. Treating the breasts mean you already doing good things for your fertility. Besides that, if you want to breastfeed after giving birth, you really want to make sure your breast milk is as free of toxins as possible. It's good to have the treatments as a preparation for this before getting pregnant. ![]() Q: What if I’ve had breast cancer or a mastectomy? A: The million dollar question! If you’ve had breast cancer and/or a mastectomy, then the treatments are very useful. Most women will have chemotherapy when they hear they've got breast cancer. Chemo makes the body very toxic so the breast tissue will become very toxic too. Not a good or healthy environment. Chemo also breaks down the immune system so the body is not in an optimum state to make sure the breasts regain their health. Breast Tissue Therapy can do a very good job here! And yes, also with a mastectomy. Just because physically the breast might not be there anymore, in terms of energy she still is! And think about all the emotions... Being diagnosed with breast cancer isn't something which is taken lightly. It has an impact on both breasts (not only the one with cancer) and the whole body. A lot healing happens during the treatments. Q: Can I have this treatment if I'm currently pregnant? A: Yes, you can. From the 7th month of pregnancy onwards you can safely receive a treatment. But as I said, preferably before you get pregnant. Q: What if I've had breast reduction or enlargement surgery, or I have breast implants? A: For me that doesn't matter, the treatment will also be very beneficial for you. In fact, I think it's a very good idea to have Breast Tissue Treatment after any breast surgery, because surgery will have a big impact on your physical and emotional breast health. Q: Do I need to bring anything with me to the treatment? A: No you don't have to bring anything. Towels and blankets are provided. When you book in with me, I ask you to fill in an initial form in advance of the appointment, so that I can tune in for your treatment and what your body needs. I'll send it to you after we've been in contact and arranged the appointment. Q: Is there anyone else in the UK doing this? A: No there isn't! That's why I'm coming over to the UK from The Netherlands. This way of treating the breasts is completely new! There are only 40 therapists qualified in this Breast Tissue Therapy worldwide and they're all living in The Netherlands and Belgium. Due to a lot of legal stuff, the training isn't ready to go abroad yet, so until that time, I'll go abroad to introduce the treatment to other countries! Q: What have other clients said about it? A: I’ve had some fantastic feedback from previous clients – see the testimonials below… “Janine de Wolf is an expert in her field, I felt completely at ease and secure during her treatments. She knows what she does and she is very intuitive. I discovered deeper layers of suppressed emotions and was able to release old pain and worries. What really touched me was the link that she made between my uterus issues of the past and my current breast health. I could feel a big difference afterwards: I feel relieved, a deeper connection with my inner self and I felt a better blood circulation of my breasts and arms. All so important to heal and stay healthy. This gives me so much comfort and trust, just what I needed. I truly recommend this kind of treatments for women.” “Thank you Janine for the wonderful Breast Tissue Treatment. My goodness, how much I was holding, so close to my heart, without fully realising its extent. I highly recommend this treatment for, well, every woman. I know my breasts are neglected, this treatment was a breath of fresh air and a reconnection with my heart-space.” “Wow Janine! I had a breast tissue massage treatment with Janine and totally loved it. Janine is highly professional and intuitive. She supported me with some huge releases and I could not believe how much tension I had been holding in my breasts. They feel amazing. I highly recommend Janine.” “Having ‘abused’ my breasts with a mammogram last year (never ever again!) I was so looking forward to receiving a Breast Tissue Treatment with Janine, for some much needed TLC. What a beautiful experience it was, held with such gentle care as the emotional layers were revealed. Being in Janine’s deeply skilful hands allowed release and left my breasts feeling light and energised. With an unexpected bonus of also feeling relief with a shoulder issue I’ve had for many years. Thank you Janine, I’ll be back for more!” As this is her first time in Edinburgh, Janine is giving an introductory offer of £75 for a treatment, which will last 60-75 minutes.
For more information, or to book a Breast Tissue Treatment with Janine de Wolf, please call +31 6 46 06 46 95 or email Janine directly. Further information is also available on our Facebook event page or on Janine’s website. Key details When: 12 & 13 April 2018 Where: Central Studio, 14a Broughton Street Lane, Edinburgh, EH1 3LY How much: £75 for 1 hr 15 mins Who: Janine de Wolf Tel: +31 6 46 06 46 95 Email: [email protected] Website: http://www.praktijkmanitou.nl Facebook: www.facebook.com/events/594722857532444/ Comments are closed.
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September 2023