Your reflexology did the trick! My baby boy arrived the following day after about 4 hours labour. I had a water birth. So much better than last time round!
SH, Edinburgh
Having been 16 days late with my first child I went to Georgie for reflexology for my second. After 3 sessions I went into labour on my due date which for me was a great result. I also found the reflexology relaxing and enjoyable. A great resource for pregnancy.
SP, Edinburgh
I recieved reflexology from Georgie during my recent pregnancy. The sessions helped me with various pregnancy related symptoms and were incredibly relaxing and enjoyable. Highly recommended!
FR, Edinburgh
My symphisis pubis pain is better, but the week I had after your reflexology was the best yet!
BC, Edinburgh
Waters broke on Tuesday at 1.30am, contractions starting 2 hours later. At least I avoided the initial prostaglandin gel! Thanks.
MF, Edinburgh (following treatment on Monday evening)
I went to see Georgie when I was about 6 months pregnant as I was suffering quite badly with both water retention and ‘jumpy legs’. I can honestly say that I looked forward to that hour with great anticipation, as not only did I get wonderful benefits from the treatment but Georgie was great fun and gave me lots of useful advice, which as a first time Mum I greatly appreciated. As it got closer to the birth, Georgie worked with me on relaxation and was all ready to help should I go overdue but luckily my little girl came a week early – probably down to my relaxed state of mind!! I would recommend Georgie without hesitation. All I would say is don’t wait until you’re in your last trimester. The sooner you start the better – you’ll really appreciate the benefits.
PK, Fife
You did a great job. Show that night and born today. Big 8lbs 10oz. Very exciting. So won’t be needing Monday!
HK, Edinburgh (treatment on Thursday afternoon, born on Saturday)
I went to Georgie for reflexology after having had 3 miscarriages and then a period of not conceiving. I had got myself into a very stressed state and was finding it hard to cope and to enjoy my life with my 3 year old daughter. I went to reflexology both when trying to get pregnant but also throughout my next pregnancy. The sessions completely relaxed me and I kept this feeling of calm for days after it which, considering how tense I was generally, was a great feeling. Georgie also dealt with all my pregnancy issues such as swollen ankles, pelvic pain, etc and she also gave me plenty of useful advice and information along the way. I thoroughly enjoyed the sessions and would recommend them to all women trying or expecting. Thank you Georgie!
CM, Edinburgh
Thank you so much Georgie. Our little one is doing really well. It was an amazing labour. All started shortly after my reflexology session with you! Ended up having her after only 2.5 hours of active labour. Gas and air only!!!! Thank you soooo much for all your help getting her to me in time!
SF, Edinburgh
Just wanted to let you know our son was born this morning. I did end up being induced to kick start contractions but I’m sure the work you did helped very much with a smooth delivery. Thanks again.
PS, Edinburgh
Thank you so much for the lovely session on Monday. My contractions started at 4pm that day and I went into hospital on Tuesday at 6am with forceps delivery that evening. Whatever you do definitely had the desired result and little baby Ellie is right here as I type this. I will make sure I recommend you (the midwife already knows) and use you again. Thank you again.
LM, Edinburgh
Sorry I missed our appointment at today. Just to let you know I was in the hospital… Had a wee baby girl at 7pm! Natural delivery and labour started itself. Thanks to your reflexology!
WR, Edinburgh
As you said the last time we met, my preparation stood me in good stead. I simplified my birth wishes and put them as the first page in my maternity notes – big help!!! Contractions started at home at 1am, we were in the birthing unit by 3am and our baby boy arrived at 7am. No drugs other than syntocinon after 45 mins to help deliver my large placenta!! It all went very well, I felt very supported by a caring team at the RIE and we were home 12 hours after we arrived at the hospital! Many thanks for your support and wonderful treatments.
JB, Edinburgh
I’m just writing to say that our gorgeous baby boy arrived yesterday safe and sound weighing an impressive 9lb! I was due to have more reflexology next Monday at 9.30 but obviously I now need to cancel the appointment! The treatment obviously worked!
SH, Edinburgh
Just a tiny wee token of my appreciation for the pregnancy reflexology, which was a massive help throughout my pregnancy and in preparing me for labour. Our daughter arrived on Saturday at 8.58am after I had my first contraction at 6.30pm on Friday night. I am convinced your magic hands helped her arrive 5 days early – just what I’d hoped for! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
SN, Edinburgh
Georgie’s reflexology had miraculous effects on the arrival of my two daughters. For my first daughter, I had reflexology with Georgie twice in the months leading up to the birth and finally 4 days overdue when she gave me the induction reflexology – I went into labour within 24 hours. Not expecting the same luck twice, I had another session in the final weeks of my pregnancy with my second daughter and I had the induction relflexology the day before my due date and again, into labour within 24 hours. Having told everyone that due dates were a nonsense, I ended up looking a bit silly! Can’t recommend her highly enough.
FP, Edinburgh
Hi Georgie, just wanted to say a big thank you for your fantastic reflexology treatments. I went into into labour naturally 2 days before my due date and now have a beautiful baby girl!! I’ll definitely be back to see you again soon once I get into a routine!
CS, Edinburgh
I have been going to Georgie for reflexology treatments since early pregnancy and can vouch that I have had no sickness, hormonal imbalances or major aches and pains! I strongly believe that my pelvic pain and hormones would have been a lot worse if it were not for my regular relaxing treatments, any slight aches are rectified within a day of seeing Georgie. The treatment is so relaxing and therapeutic that it cannot fail to help keep mum and baby happy! I am looking forward to continuing my treatments well into my latter stages of pregnancy and beyond. I am confident Georgie’s treatments will help bring on my labour naturally and shorten the whole process!!! Thank you for all your help and support to date, it has made a real difference to my wellbeing.
CC, Edinburgh
I was delighted with my reflexology session which was to help induce my labour when I was a few days overdue. I don’t think it was a coincidence that labour started 2 days later and I was relieved not to have to be medically induced. Thanks again!
LC, Edinburgh
I went to Georgie for reflexology when I was nearly two weeks overdue with my third child. I wanted to try every possible natural way to go into labour before being induced. I must admit that I was unsure of what it would involve and was a bit sceptical. Georgie explained exactly what she was going to do and spent time finding out more about me. She made me feel really relaxed and comfortable then explained to me she would spend part of the session trying to kick start my labour and part of it trying to ensure that I would sleep better as I had been getting very little sleep during my third trimester. I was amazed when she began to manipulate my feet and toes and could actually feel it in my stomach. I went home exhausted but feeling wonderfully calm and relaxed, went to bed and slept through the whole night without waking up once for the first time in months. I got up feeling great and as I was making breakfast my waters broke! I would recommend Georgie to anyone. She understood exactly how I was feeling and made me feel better. Above all, she achieved what two sweeps and countless curries and pineapples could not!
AI, Gullane
This is just a quick (and rather late note) to let you know that my daughter was born at lunchtime on Sunday. I went into labour naturally less than 12 hours before we were due to be induced. Labour progressed well, but she was pretty big (9 pounds 14 at birth) so delivered by unplanned c-section in the end. The hospital staff commented how calm I seemed to be (I arrived in triage at around 7am and was 7cm dilated apparently) and I’m sure that your treatment contributed to that – thank you.
HC, Edinburgh
Our little boy arrived on Saturday at 1am! It was a quick labour – 2.5hrs ! Fantastic, born in the birthing pool that his big sister had helped to fill before bed time! We woke her up to see him in the pool and she helped the midwife weigh him and count his toes! He was 8lbs 9oz would you believe?! Thanks for your help. I felt so healthy and ready to give birth. He came out really aware and ready for the world. He is a happy content little man, feeding well. All is great
VC, Edinburgh
I started attending sessions with Georgie as a ‘treat’ and found it thoroughly relaxing over a number of years. When pregnant I continued to see her with very regular treatments particularly in the last month. I had a great pregnancy and labour. I feel certain that the reflexology helped immensely and have no hesitation in recommending Georgie whether it be for relaxation or maternity type issues. She’s brilliant.
GF, Edinburgh
I really enjoyed my session and have booked another. I am 34 weeks pregnant and had very bad heartburn and constipation but after my treatment 2 weeks ago I haven’t need to take my Gaviscon at all and have been a lot more regular!! Very glad!! Going back on Monday, well worth the money.
JM, Edinburgh